lqb2weekly #180 (22 jan 2023)
wooooooo. 2023! we are here. call me nuts but i think 2023 is gonna be a big year. let’s see what happens.
some quick personal updates:
i did my annual reflection retreat in vermont (sunday eve through saturday morning) and it was GLORIOUS. so much review, so many insights, so many dreams and plans emerging. i’m gonna write up some reflections at some point. stay tuned!
i am rewriting my personal values this year (something i am tryna do every five years; thx danielle for the guidance and rhythm on that). i did a good first pass on retreat. we’re looking at top values: transformation, intention, and practice; secondary values: love/justice, vision, community, rest, connection/relationship (need to narrow the secondary list). also my friend chris messinger has a great values list that he’s working through this year (which he does every 10 years). enjoy it!
song of the year: nah gon do by ashh blackwood (thanks, emet for the rec)
i finished the next edit of my book draft yesterday! omgomgomg. we’re not done yet, but it was a big step! i def cried (small c cry) in the middle of cafe nero when i finished. just a bit more editing and then self-publishing and then you can read it (and i can cower in that ‘wtf why did i put that out in public’ feeling lol).
cover sneak peak here. thanks, annemarie, for designing!
pluto is about to start doing some big work in my rising sign, aquarius, and i’m ready for the ride! hope i can hold on tight (and let go right!) (details if you’re into that sort of thing)
i am excited to be launching a second group coaching cohort (details here —> coaching with lawrence). some benefits as named by the folks who were in the pilot cohort in 2022: it’s easier to be vulnerable when someone else is being vulnerable, too; seeing someone else be coached can help surface things you could benefit from working on; being able to debrief being coached is great!
ok! and now so non-personal things:
check out and snag the intelligent mischief 2023 calendar. aisha’s collages are »>
selma, alabama hit was hit hard by tornadoes earlier this month (news article here). if you have funds to share with folks in a hard spot, directing to the black belt community foundation would be great!
my friend ray pang shared this mindful masculinity workbook and it looks great. it’s already sold out once but akpress is offering more. get it while it’s hot!
my friend maureen shared this hilarious giving tree alternate ending that’s got EXCELLENT guidance for how to set boundaries.
ok last thought: since this is the first real newsletter in a while, it’s VERY FULL. tread lightly, pick some quick hits, and then keep it moving. :) welcome to 2023, friends. lfg.
on to the things!
(!!) pick of the pack
some things i’ve written since the last newsletter:
Jan 14, 2023 | book review: until we reckon by danielle sered
there is nothing new under the sun. (this month there are SEVENTEEN quotes. i typically aim for like 7-9. if 17 is overwhelming, just pick 3 at random and then keep scrolling past).
It's one year from now. December 2023. The habit you were hoping to build during the year didn't stick. What is the most likely reason it failed? — james clear
The goal of life is to die young — as late as possible! — Ashley Montagu
Power is influence over external events.
Peace is influence over internal events. — James Clear
When you fall in love with the process rather than the product, you don’t have to wait to give yourself permission to be happy. You can be satisfied anytime your system is running. — James Clear
Love… is seeing the unity under the imaginary diversity. — Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
Remember that you do not have to be a medicine man in order to do your part to restore wholeness and fullness to a world in dire need. You just have to learn to come home to the magic that waits at the core of your truest Self. — Gibrán Rivera
What makes a river so restful to people is that it doesn’t have any doubt—it is sure to get where it is going, and it doesn’t want to go anywhere else. — Hal Boyle
I have noticed that when all the lights are on, people tend to talk about what they are doing — their outer lives. Sitting round in candlelight or firelight, people start to talk about how they are feeling – their inner lives. They speak subjectively, they argue less, there are longer pauses.
To sit alone without any electric light is curiously creative. I have my best ideas at dawn or at nightfall, but not if I switch on the lights — then I start thinking about projects, deadlines, demands, and the shadows and shapes of the house become objects, not suggestions, things that need to done, not a background to thought. — Jeanette Winterson
Your calendar is a better measure of success than your bank account. — James Clear
If you want to create something but feel it has already been done 1000 times, remember: There is always room for quality. — James Clear
In the depths of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer. — Albert Camus
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. — Buckminster Fuller
Risk is an essential need of the soul. The absence of risk produces a kind of boredom which paralyses in a different way from fear, but almost as much. — Simone Weil
10-year dreams. 5-minute actions.
Where do I want to be in 10 years?
What can I do in the next 5 minutes to contribute to that outcome? — James Clear
You can graduate with the finest degrees. You can read the most useful books. You can enjoy the loving support of family and friends.
But your degrees can’t take action for you. Your books can’t make the decision for you. Your family can’t live your life for you.
There is no substitute for courage. At some point, you have to make the choice. — James Clear
I know now, after fifty years, that the finding/losing, forgetting/remembering, leaving/returning, never stops. The whole of life is about another chance, and while we are alive, till the very end, there is always another chance. — Jeanette Winterson
Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. — Helen Schucman
interior vision by nikki giovanni
some things i’ve read since the last newsletter:
Building Resilient Organizations | The Forge (!!!) - if you read no other article this whole month, read this
How To Know If You're An Interrupter Or A 'Cooperative Overlapper' | HuffPost
The Lie of the Butterfly Fable and 4 Tips As Everything Dissolves | The Outside
The Light Phone 2 Offers an Escape From the Modern Web, But It’ll Cost You | USA Today
Claudine Gay: 5 things to know about Harvard’s first Black president | Yahoo! News
Twitter abruptly bans all links to Instagram, Mastodon, and other competitors | The Verge
Yupiit school district shifts to subsistence calendar in effort to center Yup'ik culture | Kyuk (!!)
Cultural Differences - Monochronic versus Polychronic | The Articulate CEO (!!)
How to get a bundt cake out of the pan | Farm Fresh For Life
Can Bed Bugs Survive in Your Car? What You Need to Know | Healthline
Wood Stove 101: How To Keep a Wood Stove Burning All Night | MF Fire
The 3 Stages of Creosote: What They Mean and How to Remove It | Best Pick Reports
Understanding ADOS: The Movement to Hijack Black Identity and Weaken Black Unity
Good, giving, and game: Research confirms that Dan Savage’s sex advice works | PsyPost
When Did Everyone Get Blue-Light Glasses? | The New York Times
some audio and/or podcasts i’ve listened to since the last newsletter:
Restorative Justice in Education w/ Tomay Douglass | This Restorative Justice Life
How Do I Adapt My Leadership Style as My Team Grows? | Coaching Real Leaders
Dr. LARRY WARD on Healing the Colonial Mind /296 | For The Wild
Chapter 6: The Belly of the Beast, Part I | Mother Country Radicals
Chapter 7: The Belly of the Beast, Part II | Mother Country Radicals
Introducing: No One is Coming to Save Us | No One is Coming to Save Us
EP 10 - Targeted Universalism with john a. powell | Who Belongs? Podcast
Episode 22 - Fables, Spells and the Prophetic w/ adrienne maree brown | Gibran’s Podcast (!)
some videos i watched since the last newsletter:
some things i’ve been (aurally) enjoying since the last newsletter:
Tzedek Lab | Remote
Momentum | Remote
Content and Engagement Manager | $37k—$75k (PT—FT)
Hyde Square Task Force | Boston
Afro-Latin Percussion Teaching Artist | $35-45/hour
Grant Writer | $58k
Latin Quarter Manager | $60k
Theatre Programs Coordinator | $45-55k
Campaign Organizer | Muslim Justice League | $50k + health stipend | Boston
Executive Director | WalkBoston | $90-110k | Boston
Fiscal Sponsorship Co-Director | Resist | $65k | Remote
Baby University Father Facilitator, Childcare & Family Support Services | City of Cambridge Human Service Programs | $37.5/hour | Cambridge, MA
Director of Development | Never Again Action | $40-60k | Remote
Research Manager | Builders of Color Coalition | $85-95K | Boston, MA
Core Consultant/Trainer | Racial Healing Initiative | $20k ($75/hour) | Remote
Clean Transportation Program Director | Union of Concerned Scientists | $171,000-$191,000 | Remote
Development Project Manager | $73-77k | Remote
Director of Transformational Giving | $80-87k | Remote
Executive Director for the Fund for Jobs Worth Owning | $95-105k | Remote
Director of People and Culture | $75-81k | Northampton, MA
Campaign Organizer | $50k | Boston
Jews for Racial & Economic Justice
Executive Director | $80-90k | NYC
Lead Organizer | $65-70k | NYC
Resident Leadership Coordinator | Boston Neighborhood CLT | $55-65k | Boston
Consultant - Program Director | Breakthrough Strategies & Solutions | $140-160k PT
selma, alabama - post-tornado contributions to the black belt community foundation
other opportunities
Arts & Cultural Organizing Member Team: Micro-Learning Pod Facilitator 2023
Making it Public: for MA Artists, a free 5-week online training for artists of any discipline who would like to expand their tools to respond to Public Art Calls.
Nominations open: 2023 Newell Flather Award for Public Art. This award honors publicly nominated leaders with $5,000 of unrestricted funds for their contributions to the field.
exploring histories of education advocacy before and after brown v board w/ my friend tomashi
emet ezell: Memory, Magic, and Prophecy
building belonging: 2022 best-of: highlights of my learning journey
note: two newsletters i usually share here are on pause: astroradicals the mood and better humans daily. a couple others haven’t had anything new for a while. they’ll show up here when something new comes through but otherwise, i’m slimming this down a bit. :)
right now i’m learning…
how to have a grounded crush in my 30s. 😍