what is lqb2weekly?

i consume a lot of content (except for movies. and long articles. 🙅🏾‍♂️). lqb2weekly is a place where i share what i’ve been thinking about, reading, listening to, watching, and hearing about. i also write a few sentences/paragraphs about what’s top of mind/heart/body just to keep folks up to date a bit about how i am personally.

sign up if you’re interested. or don’t. lord knows we all get too many emails.

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weekly(ish) sampling of what i am taking in these days.


lawrence barriner ii (he/him) is Black, queer, spiritual, and always learning. He loves (r)evolutionary uncling and writes via his newsletter (lqb2weekly.substack.com) and his blog (lqb2.co/blog). Learn about him and his work at http://www.lqb2.co.