lqb2weekly #specialEdition: shameless plugs for 2023
i am still catching up on all my emails from december so don’t have a regular newsletter edition for you just yet… but here’s some offerings i’m excited to share with everyone here for this upcoming year. i promise this is the last shameless self-promotion message before getting back to our regularly scheduled ‘things i’m consuming’ flow.
tonight i’m doing a workshop with ujima on reflection!
in march, me and tanzanite msola are doing a 4-week BIPOC Relational Mindfulness & Storytelling series.
in may, me and kate johnson are doing a workshop on meditation and storytelling at the barre center for buddhist studies: Freedom Through Storytelling: A Retreat for People of Black African Descent. flag: the website says the retreat is 5-days but i need to confirm if it’s 5 nights or 2 nights. worst case scenario is that you sign up and it gets shorter!
and finally, i’m excited to share two coaching offerings with everyone for 2023: 1on1 private coaching and my second group coaching cohort: deets here!
PHEW. i hate doing that stuff but everyone says you gotta do it so this is me doing it. #newYearNewMe
PS - if you are a social movement mover and shaker, i STRONGLY RECOMMEND you read mo mitchell’s recent piece: building resilient organizations. i think it’s gonna ripple for a while.
PPS - i am so excited to get yall this first for-real content-laden newsletter of 2023. so much good stuff is here.