lqb2weekly special edition: crowdfunder for the retreat center
Support our movements’ capacity to rest, heal, and dream together
hey team,
sooooooo many of you know one of the movement projects i help organize is the bent birch movement retreat center. and many of you know i don’t often use this newsletter to ask for monies for things i’m working on (even though i love asking for money for other people’s projects). but i’m taking this moment to make an ask.
will you help us get to our $50,000 goal?
thanks for considering.
Thank you for all that you are holding in this time of immense suffering in the world. We know that creating the more just, liberatory, equitable world we envision is long haul work. And we know that to stay in it for the long haul, we must rest and care for each other along the way. We write to ask for your support for the Bent Birch Retreat Center.
The Bent Birch Retreat Center is a place for you to come together in beloved community, to rest, heal and gather strength, to build towards the world to come. In May 2022, with generous support from our wider ecosystem, and anchored in the web of the Boston Liberatory Space Council, we became the stewards of this beautiful retreat center. Situated on 19 acres of land in Western Mass, nestled within a northern hardwood forest atop gently sloping hills, this retreat center provides a space for profound healing and rejuvenation for our collective movement(s) for justice and liberation.
Over the past year, the dedicated volunteer team at the Bent Birch Retreat Center has been working diligently to realize the generations of visioning and organizing that brought this project to life. In the short time that the land has been under our collective stewardship, hundreds of organizers, healers, and movement builders have sought refuge underneath the trees reconnecting with nature, each other, and themselves.
This retreat center is a dream by and for our movements for a cooperatively-governed, locally stewarded, and fully sustainable gathering place where we can find healing for the long struggle ahead. As this year comes to a close, we ask for your help in bringing us closer to that dream.
If you believe in the vision, we ask you to consider what size donation would be possible for you? Every amount helps.
If you are someone who has access to resources, we ask you to consider what size donation would be significant for you. What are you able to invest in our movements’ capacity to rest, heal, and dream together?
With so much gratitude,
Eli Feghali, Lawrence Barriner II, Jen Kiok, Maanav Thakore, and Rachel Plattus - the Bent Birch crew
P.S. If you know someone who should know about this project, will you share this with them?