lqb2weekly #183 (9 mar 2023)
a few weeks ago i found my way into a metaphor that explains very well how i am right now: it’s sap season. the rhythm of freeze and thaw is so present. forward-backward, up-down, frozen-flowing. it so many areas of my life that’s how things feel. one step forward, let’s get going; one step backward, let’s slow down or stop. it’s a weird time. not good, not bad, not just weird. and a lot.
speaking of cold things… this historic snowfall in yosemite in early march was wild.
things are weird, ya know.
also! i have to make a confession: over the past few years, like 85% of the jobs in the newsletter have been sent to me by my friend, nadav. and over the past two weeks, i/we have decided to make that a lil more transparent! so moving forward the jobs section is gonna be formally co-hosted by me and nadav! the structure of it will change a bit as we’re figuring it out so this week is a messy one. there’s duplicates and inconsistent formatting and we’ll figure it out over time but for now #DoneIsBetterThanPerfect. welcome, nadav, to lqb2weekly! :D
ok, now that all those update things are outta the way, i have a bunch of cool things to share.
my dear friend danielle is getting ready to launch another cohort of the holistic vision! it kicks off on 20 march and if you’re looking for support in getting clear on what you want to do in this life and then have some real specific tools to help you navigate from your current spot in life to your vision, this is the course! i did it in 2016 and it has been shaping my life ever since. also a super special twist this time is that another friend, rachel plattus, is co-facilitating it with danielle! this was going to already be excellent the magic between the two of them will be super excellent. CHECK. IT. OUT.
a fellow board member of mine at the urban farming institute is doing a big fundraiser for his new farm: check out siedric’s farm and contribute if that’s your vibe! support black farmers (either with your own $$ or sharing it around so others can contribute) :D
two offerings from gibrán:
Six Weeks of Meditation: From Self-Denial to Joy w/ gibrán (starts 19 march)
group coaching (start 1 may)
my friend, janhavi, the executive director at the massachusetts bail fund is hiring!
Hi all,
I am reaching out with some exciting news and I’m hoping you can help spread it! The Massachusetts Bail Fund is currently hiring for a Finance & Operations Manager. We would love for you to share this opportunity with your network so we can find a great addition to our team. The entire job description can be found on our Idealist posting, linked here and our Indeed posting, linked here. Applicants are encouraged to submit their resume and cover letter on either platform.
The position is full time (40 hours), salaried beginning at $70,000 and with a well rounded benefits package. We hire people who are justice involved, formerly incarcerated and have been otherwise affected by carceral systems.
If you or anyone has any questions about this job, feel free to directly contact janhavi at janhavi@massbailfund.org.
also my friend jonathan wanted me to share this fellowship for people who are interested in maintenance and maintenance culture. if you haven’t yet heard of it, maintenance culture is one of the framings i’ve heard that’s a solution to opposed consumer capitalist disposability culture that’s got a hold on us right now. check out the maintainers movement fellowship, apps due 29 march.
also this one is a little random but if you know folks in the boston-area tryna create fun ways to public events on beaches read on: Save the Harbor/Save the Bay and the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) are now seeking Better Beaches proposals from organizations and creatives to find fun and unique ways to bring free public events and programs to our region’s beaches and the Boston Harbor waterfront this summer! APPLY AND LEARN MORE HERE
ok! on to the things!
(!!) pick of the pack
some things i’ve written since the last newsletter:
Mar 1, 2023 | trauma bonding vs healing bonding
there is nothing new under the sun. also, full transparency, many of these quotes come from james clear’s 3-2-1 newsletter (which i love).
self care and healing and attention to the body and the spiritual dimension- all of this is now part of radical social justice struggles. – Angela Davis
Before you throw more time at the problem, throw more focused action at the problem. You don’t need more time, you need fewer distractions. — James Clear
Momentum goes both ways.
Don’t move, feel sluggish. Start moving, feel like moving a little more.
Don’t talk, feel timid. Start chatting, conversation gets a little easier.
Don’t ship, feel stuck. Start creating, ideas begin to flow. — James Clear
The best climber in the world is the one who’s having the most fun. — Alex Lowe
Inspiration is not the exclusive privilege of poets or artists. There is, there has been, there will always be a certain group of people whom inspiration visits. It’s made up of all those who’ve consciously chosen their calling and do their job with love and imagination. It may include doctors, teachers, gardeners — I could list a hundred more professions. Their work becomes one continuous adventure as long as they manage to keep discovering new challenges in it. Difficulties and setbacks never quell their curiosity. A swarm of new questions emerges from every problem that they solve. Whatever inspiration is, it’s born from a continuous I don’t know. — Wislawa Szymborska
still do I keep my look, my identity… — gwendolyn brooks
some things i’ve read since the last newsletter:
Antibiotics: Foods to Eat & Foods to Avoid | Samaritan Health Services
What You Should Eat During and After Antibiotics | Healthline
Ableism Enables All Forms of Inequity and Hampers All Liberation Efforts | Truthout (!!)
some audio and/or podcasts i’ve listened to since the last newsletter:
some videos i watched since the last newsletter:
some things i’ve been (aurally) enjoying since the last newsletter:
energy budget — toni jones
terminator — kiah victoria
girl in mine — parmalee (fml >_> lol)
now formally co-hosted with my friend, nadav david.
Black Youth Project 100 (BYP100): Interim Managing Director, Organizing Director, Communications Director, Chapter Organizer, Movement Archivist Fellow, Communications Manager - $71-95K (link)
Climate Justice Alliance: Black Membership Organizer and Our Power Loan Fund Project Steward - $60-74K (link)
If Not Now: Communications Director, BIJOCSM Organizer, Donor Organizer - $45-59K (link)
Run for Something: Director of Major Gifts - $132K (link) and Major Gifts Manager - $98k (link)
National Council for Responsive Philanthropy: Director of Resource Mobilization - $90-$120k (link)
Jewish Voice for Peace: Senior Fundraising Campaigns Coordinator - $60k (link)
Political Research Associates - several internships and full-time positions (link)
Contracted Positions / Request for Proposals
For even more movement jobs, visit New Economy Coalition’s monthly newsletter (link)
MA Bail Fund: Finance Manager - $70-75K (link)
Neighborhood Birth Center: Manager of Communications and Engagement (link) and Manager of Sustainability and Operations (link) - $70k
City Life/Vida Urbana: Bilingual Community Organizer - $50-60k (link)
Community Servings: Volunteer Coordinator - $65k (link)
Jewish Women’s Archive: Rising Voices Fellowship Coordinator - $55k (link)
Essex County Community Organization (ECCO): Racial Justice Organizers - $55k (link)
I Have a Future: Co-Lead Organizer - $65k (link) and Admin Organizer, $21/hour PT (link)
other jobs (apologies for duplicates!)
co-executive director | Pa’lante Transformative Justice | $65-85k | holyoke, ma
Finance and Operations Manager | Massachusetts Bail Fund | $70-75k | Boston
IfNotNow | Remote
Communications Director | $45-59k
Black, Indigenous, Jews of Color, Sephardi, and Mizrahi (BIJOCSM) Organizer | $45-59k
Donor Organizer | $45-59k
Jews for Racial Economic Justice | NYC
Campaigns Director | $70-90k
Political Director | $70-90k
Black Youth Project 100 | Durham, Milwaukee, Jackson, Dallas
Chapter Organizer | $61-65k
Communications Director | $81.5k-86.4k
Interim Managing Director | $91.5k-97k
Movement Archivist Fellow | $22/hour
Organizing Director | $81.5-86.4k
Essie Justice Group — California
they are hiring for LOTS of positions and at first glance, they are very good salaries
Donor Organizer and Comms Support | The New York City Network of Worker Cooperatives | $50/hour | Remote/NYC
Solidarity Program Officer for West Africa and Haiti | Grassroots International | $68k | Remote, East Coast preferred
Donor Engagement Manager | Grassroots International | $68k | Remote
Community Organizing Strategist | The New England Grassroots Environment Fund | $70-72k | New England
Administrative Assistant / Office Administrator | Urban Farming Institute | $21/hour
Maria and Pedro (and their 2yo Isabel) are looking for a place in Cambridge from mid-April to the end of May. They would be more than happy to take care of any pets and plants left behind, if you're out of town then. 1-bedroom flat, ~$2.5k, near the red line ideal. Email pedromo [at] gmail [dot] com.
upcoming events
Un-performing Black Masculinity Through Drama | Saturday, March 11 @ 12-2pm
Building Worker Power: Solidarity, Cooperation and Care | 24—26 March 2023 | University of Massachusetts Amherst
$$ (fun-raising)
Ready, Set, Go! Revival Road Farm! ($15k of $20k)
other opportunities
maintainers movement fellowship | $6,500 | apps due 29 march 2023
Arts & Cultural Organizing Member Team: Micro-Learning Pod Facilitator 2023
Making it Public: for MA Artists, a free 5-week online training for artists of any discipline who would like to expand their tools to respond to Public Art Calls.
Nominations open: 2023 Newell Flather Award for Public Art. This award honors publicly nominated leaders with $5,000 of unrestricted funds for their contributions to the field.
black ecologie: Vol 7: finder's keepers
emet ezell: Questions of Return
building belonging: The paradox of transformation: acceptance as a precondition to change
right now i’m learning…
about attachment styles from polysecure. 🤯