lqb2weekly #173 (25 may 22)
cw: gun violence. if you wanna skip that part, just scroll real quick to the section titled “writing”. <3
holy shit. i can’t keep up. coming off of my last newsletter, i was prepping this one to try and share some concrete things folks could do or contribute to… and before i could even get this one out, at least TWO mass shootings have occurred. i just… idk man. some days it really feels like our species is ripping itself apart more than we are stitching ourselves together.
::deep breath::
::another deep breath::
::ok one more::
so idk what to offer yet re: the shootings but here are two abortion things
here is an email that was converted into a google doc that i learned about from mariame kaba: Roe v. Wade: What You Can Do
here’s a place to send abortion fund donations via chani nicholas
i feel a little speechless so (yet again) i’m going to hold off on the personal exciting announcement. in mean time, my friend sandra kim is co-hosting some dope rest and play retreats. this first link is for people wanting to support scholarships for organizers to attend. the second link is for the retreats themselves. so good.
first link: Rest & Play Retreat Scholarships for Organizers
second link: \/ \/ \/
A fundraising event for the WildSeed Society - led by Erika Totten and Sandra Kim.
The liberated world we seek cannot be ushered in by exhausted folks.
So let us love up on you during a 5-day retreat where we invite you to rest and play with us in beautiful nature.
More info here
oh i guess i should say a couple things about some travel i been doing:
i had an excellent time in barbados. note to self: traveling with other black radical imagineers = excellent
i’ve been in vermont since last wed and will be there til monday (12 days). i love it here, too.
it’s funny to go from a place that is 95% black to a place that is 95% white. thankfully, i am working on bringing my belonging from the inside and finding myself feeling like i get be fully in my skin wherever i am. it’s hard work but v v cool.
ok that’s it! on to the things!
(!!) pick of the pack
ps - i’m sorry for folks who have sent me stuff to include in this newsletter. between vacation and remote work life/travel i haven’t been that on top of my inbox. i’m ok with it but it does mean that some things are getting missed. tip: if you want to make sure jobs and things make it into the next newsletter, send them to lawrence.barriner.ii+newsletter [at] gmail [dot] com. otherwise things just sit in my inbox and are subject to my energy to move through the rest of my emails. :upside down smiley emoji:
some things i’ve written since the last newsletter:
there is nothing new under the sun.
why should we be afraid to death? when we are, it is not and when it is, we are not. — heraclitus
The outer work can never be small if the inner work is great. And the outer work can never be great if the inner work is small. — Meister Eckhart, 14th century Christian mystic
The most important battles must be fought anew each day.
Exercising today does not render tomorrow’s workout unnecessary.
Supporting your spouse today does not mean you can mail it in tomorrow. Learn to love the endless nature of things and life gets easier. — James Clear
Remove the branches of a thorn bush today and you’ll avoid a scrape this year. But next year, you’ll face the same problem again.
Remove the root of the bush today, and the entire plant will die.
Are you solving problems at the branch level or the root level? — James Clear
We all of us have limited amounts of energy, and I am sure the people who are successful have learned, either by instinct or consciously, to use their energies well instead of spilling them about. And this has to be different for every person, writers or otherwise. I know writers who go to parties every night and then, recharged instead of depleted, happily write all day. But if I stay up half the night talking, I don’t do so well the next day. Some writers like to start work as soon as they can in the morning, while others like the night or—for me almost impossible—the afternoons. Trial and error, and then when you’ve found your needs, what feeds you, what is your instinctive rhythm and routine, then cherish it. — Doris Lessing
Every problem, every dilemma, every dead end we find ourselves facing in life, only appears unsolvable inside a particular frame or point of view. Enlarge the box, or create another frame around the data, and problems vanish, while new opportunities appear. — Benjamin & Rosamund Zander
looking for indians by cheryl savageau
some things i’ve read since the last newsletter:
What If We Just Stopped Being So Available? | The Atlantic (!!)
Unconscious Bias Training Does Not Work, Here’s How To Fix It | Forbes
The Essence of Ancestor Elevation | Asanee Coaching Services
The practical value of knowing which knots to use and when. | Better Humans Daily
some audio and/or podcasts i’ve listened to since the last newsletter:
some videos i watched since the last newsletter:
some things i’ve been (aurally) enjoying since the last newsletter:
ibeyi — made of gold
ibeyi — creature (perfect)
Senior Associate, Climate Justice Fund | Candide Group | 100-120k
Principal, Climate Justice Fund | Candide Group | 130-160k
Portfolio Operations Manager | Candide Group | 90-120k
Operations Manager | United for a Fair Economy | Boston, MA | 55-65k
Director of Communications | SONG | South US (Remote) | $75k (Español)
Director of Operations and Finance | SONG | South US (Remote) | $75k (Español)
Director of Resource Organizing | SONG | South US (Remote) | $75k (Español)
upcoming events
Greater Boston Men's Network Gathering: RECONNECTION & GROWTH | Sat, June 11, 2022 | 10am-3pm ET
kinhood men’s retreat | 7-10 july
other opportunities
Learn live with Margaret Atwood — Practical Utopias: An Exploration of the Possible (june 9 priority application deadline)
emet ezell: nightingales and turkey eggs
building belonging: "Polarization" isn't the problem; it's about power
astroradicals: THE MOOD: Poetic Everything
better humans daily: Grip strength is strongly correlated with your longevity.
right now i’m learning…
that this summer could be a really tough one for a bunch of different reasons: weather and our energy infrastructure as just two places for badness among many. reminding myself now if where i live is not directly impacted, whatever affects one of us directly affects all of us indirectly. (ht MLK jr)
(#VirtualInsanity in case you missed it)