lqb2weekly #162 (21 nov 2021)
it’s only been 11 days since the last lqb2weekly! slowly inching my way back to weekly instead of monthly, heh. w00t.
also, i looked back at the last newsletter and it didn’t feel as personal and i’d like it to so this time around i’ll share a few more thoughts that are a lil more personally reflective.
it’s fall, yall. fall is my least favorite season. the seasons rank for me: summer, spring, winter, fall. fall is hard for me for many reasons. it’s a season of transition, just like spring. and transitions are always hard, including when they last entire seasons. but with spring, at least things are getting more pleasant. with fall, you’re headed towards winter. as much as i don’t being cold, i have grown to appreciate the inwardness winter can bring. but getting there is hard. many living beings are dying or going into hibernation; the days are shrinking; and (as a friend pointed out to me) even though the natural energy of the season is slowing down, many parts of human life are speeding up: school starts, people start trying to squeeze in all the work they haven’t done yet for the year, etc. i’m having a tough time with it (as i do almost every year), but alas, it is what is is. hopefully i’m learning how to do it better year after year…
one more personal thought: i traveled all over new england this summer, it was super lovely, and i was ready to slow down in fall. in mid-october i said i was excited to slow down until holiday times. well, that commitment has held up like a lead balloon. the very next week, my grandma passed and i flew to florida for her funeral. and every week since then friends have visited from out of town. it has been an EXCELLENT gift to have so many folks come visit and i don’t have a single ounce of regret or frustration towards them. it has been extra great to see folks without having to go all over the place and i am fully present with each of them as if they were the only people that had visited this month. but slowing down is not at all what has happened. and tomorrow i fly to florida for a week (seeing dad and extended fam for thankstaking) and i’ll do the same in dec (to see mom and bro and extended fam for christmas). i guess i share all that to ask: are other people also noticing this uptick in visitors as vaccination becomes more common? are we arriving at our new normal?
ok ok ok! now just three lil things that i want to highlight:
this buzzfeed article about a 103 year-old woman who was a sharecropper in the south
i’m looking for someone to help me type up my book highlights
for those of you who read lqb2weekly #159 and saw my story about my dad… here’s a lil proof. :)
alright that’s it. on to the things!
(!!) pick of the pack
some things i’ve written since the last newsletter:
Nov 19, 2021 | revolutionary uncle manifesto (v1)
Nov 15, 2021 | book review: mindset by carol dweck
there is nothing new under the sun…
The art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy’s not coming, but on our own readiness to receive him; not on the chance of his not attacking, but rather on the fact that we have made our position unassailable. — Sun Tzu
Trauma always creates a ripple effect, the same as when someone throws a stone into a still pond. The initial impact creates repercussions that expand almost infinitely, reaching and having an effect on many people who didn’t experience the blows firsthand. The shockwaves soon move beyond individual caregivers to influence the organizations and systems in which we work and, ultimately, the society as a whole. The harms of trauma exposure response radiate in this way, but so do the benefits of trauma stewardship. — Laura Van Dernoot Lipsky & Connie Burk
I try to get children to internalize discipline, so we don’t have to tell them what not to do. — Adelaide L. Sanford
What makes a people indigenous? Indigenous people believe they belong to the land, and non-indigenous people believe the land belongs to them. — Derek Rasmussen
It’s better to be alone than to spend time with toxic people.
It’s better to do nothing than to work on something that doesn’t matter.
It’s better to rest than to climb the wrong mountain. — James ClearNearly everything in life is unfavorable once it grows to a certain size.
It is entirely possible to have too many clients, too much work, too much fame, too much free time, and so on.
Pay attention to when the thing you’re chasing exceeds its usefulness. — James Clear
To the most trivial actions, attach the devotion and mindfulness of a hundred monks. To matters of life and death, attach a sense of humor. — Zhuangzi
some keep the sabbath going to church - by emily dickinson
some things i’ve read since the last newsletter:
some audio and/or podcasts i’ve listened to since the last newsletter (so many good listens this round):
Sibling Miniseries #6: Malkia and Sala | How to Survive the End of the World
Sibling Miniseries #7: Aurora and Ricardo Levins-Morales | How to Survive the End of the World (!)
Sibling Miniseries #8: Prentis and Eddie Hemphill | How to Survive the End of the World
The Hypothesis with Mariame Kaba | One Million Experiments (!!)
some videos i watched since the last newsletter:
some things i’ve been (aurally) enjoying since the last newsletter:
peppers and onions — tierra whack (!!)
high risk travel — cautious clay
sandstorm — mereba
no chill — duckwrth
2-3 animated video on Long-Term Care | CoLab | Ideal Timeline: Dec-Jan | $5-7k
Director of Mel King Community Fellows Program | CoLab | $70K - 90k
Policy Manager | CoLab | $60k - $75k
Human Resources Director | Action Network | If you’re interested in applying, email Seth Pinckney, Seth@actionnetwork.org, and let him know you found out about the job from my newsletter!
Part Time Communications Coordinator | Haymarket People’s Fund | $40k | Jamaica Plain, MA
Texting Organizer | Politics Rewired | $70k | Remote
UI/UX Designer | Politics Rewired | $80k | Remote
Software Engineer | Politics Rewired | $80k | Remote
Paid Texter | Politics Rewired | $25/hour | Remote
Product Analyst | Everlance | $70-110k | SF/Remote (email jaco@everlance.com w/ "Lawrence reference" in subject, so Jaco sees your app easily)
Director of Development | The African American Policy Forum | $85-95k salary
note - any recipient of this newsletter is welcome to send me job postings to share in future editions. however, i only share job descriptions with listed salary ranges.
upcoming events
$$ (fun-raising)
other opportunities
Coaching for Healing, Justice, and Liberation 9 month cohort (!!)
right now i’m learning…
(one person’s perspective on) what zen has to offer christianity.